[Shake-dev] ShakeMap installation and user inquiries

Bruce Worden cbworden at gmail.com
Mon Jul 16 16:41:39 UTC 2012

Congratulations! I'm glad you've got it working.

I'm a bit mystified as to why these changes were necessary. Most systems work fine with the supplied version. I suspect there is some default behavior of some system program (like 'mv' or 'cp') or library function that is different on Ubuntu than other systems (or you have a new version of a Perl module that changed something similar). If you can point to the precise line where the error occurred, I'll try to track it down.

Somehow you've managed to avoid the usual problems with Ubuntu, which occur when the C programs in the "contour" directory try to link with GMT and NetCDF. Those problems were, in the past, seemingly insurmountable. At least none of the several people who tried ever solved it.

Good luck, and let us know about your progress.


On Jul 14, 2012, at 3:51 PM, Branden Christensen wrote:

> Bruce:
> This will likely go down in the annals of ShakeMap as a truly obscure bit of knowledge but perhaps it will help someone down the road...
> The error in question:
> cp /opt/shakemap/dem//tmp.topo2grd.21322.grd /opt/shakemap/dem//tmp.topo2grd.21322.grd.1
> cp: cannot stat `/opt/shakemap/dem//tmp.topo2grd.21322.grd': No such file or directory
> Origin:
> The error originates from within topo2grd at the dem2grd sub routine (dem2grd is a GMT tool):
> The Problem:
> The GMT command dem2grid tries to write the tmp.topo2grd.21322.grd file to a path that does not exist.
> The Solution:
> I do not know where to find the dem2grid file. It is probably a gmt binary anyway. Fortunately, the SRTM30 folder I downloaded from ftp://ftpext.usgs.gov/pub/cr/co/golden/lin/ShakeMap%20Portable/SRTM30.tar.gz came with a perl script called dem2grid.pl.
> The Solution then,
> nano /opt/shakemap/bin/topo2grd
> Change from: my $results = dem2grd($bounds,$tmp,$res);
> To: my $results = command ("/opt/shakemap/dem/dem2grd.pl $bounds $tmp $res");
> nano /opt/shakemap/dem/dem2grd.pl
> Make the following changes:
> my $home = "/opt/shakemap/dem";
> my $gmt = "/usr/lib/gmt/bin/";
> my $file = "$lon$lat.grd"; (was my $file = "DATA/$lon$lat.grd")
> And done.
> Thanks again for the help Bruce. To prove ShakeMap can work on Ubuntu, please see the attached images. 
> Best, 
> Branden C. Christensen
> Director, OSOP
> branden.christensen at osop.com.pa
> www.osop.com.pa
> Volcan, Panama
> On Sat, Jul 14, 2012 at 4:01 PM, Bruce Worden <cbworden at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Branden,
> I set my system to use the same grid spacing and map area that you're using, but I can't reproduce the error. I've tried to trace through to where things could go wrong, but there are several branches that could generate the same error messages.
> As I see it, there are three possible problems: 1) It's a GMT issue -- I seem to recall problems with 4.5.1, but I don't remember what they were; 2) There's a issue with one or more perl modules -- I consider this fairly unlikely, but possible; 3) We're running into the Ubuntu issues -- I don't recall this exact problem, usually it's a little later in grind when it tries to run sm_nearneighbor, but I don't know if anyone has tried Ubuntu with the DEM, so this could be a problem.
> I see three options: 1) Give up and use the virtual machine -- you'll be up and running in five minutes; 2) Upgrade your GMT to 4.5.5 or 4.5.7 and see if that fixes the problem; 3) Debug topo2grd and see if you can find where it's going off track. You'll notice that the verbose option gives you the full command:
> /opt/shakemap/bin/../bin/topo2grd 9583161 -120.150000/-117.650000/33.533000/35.593000 0.025/0.025 regime=active 
> You can run this from the command line. You can either add print statements until you identify the problem, or there's a perl visual debugger called ptkdb that you can install. The problem appears as if it starts in the subroutine called "dem2grd" or one of those below it. 
> Sorry, I wish I could be more help. Let me know what progress you make.
> Bruce
> On Jul 13, 2012, at 3:12 PM, Branden Christensen wrote:
>> First, $VERBOSE=0;
>> osop at sandbox1:/opt/shakemap/bin$ ./grind -event 9583161 -xml -qtm -verbose
>> Map bound: -120.150000/-117.650000/33.533000/35.593000
>> cp: cannot stat `/opt/shakemap/dem//tmp.topo2grd.24664.grd': No such file or directory
>> grdsample: Could not find file [/opt/shakemap/dem//tmp.topo2grd.24664.grd.1]
>> Could not find /opt/shakemap/dem//tmp.topo2grd.24664.grd, aborting.
>> grind: Error: Error in topo/sitecorr map creation, exiting.
>> osop at sandbox1:/opt/shakemap/bin$ ./grind -event 9583161 -xml -qtm -verbose
>> Map bound: -120.150000/-117.650000/33.533000/35.593000
>> cp: cannot stat `/opt/shakemap/dem//tmp.topo2grd.24744.grd': No such file or directory
>> grdsample: Could not find file [/opt/shakemap/dem//tmp.topo2grd.24744.grd.1]
>> /opt/shakemap/bin/../bin/topo2grd 9583161 -120.150000/-117.650000/33.533000/35.593000 0.025/0.025 regime=active 
>> Using /opt/shakemap/dem/. Final resolution fixed at 0.025.
>> Done with pasting.
>> cp /opt/shakemap/dem//tmp.topo2grd.24744.grd /opt/shakemap/dem//tmp.topo2grd.24744.grd.1
>> /usr/lib/gmt/bin/grdsample /opt/shakemap/dem//tmp.topo2grd.24744.grd.1 -G/opt/shakemap/dem//tmp.topo2grd.24744.grd -I0.025
>> Could not find /opt/shakemap/dem//tmp.topo2grd.24744.grd, aborting.
>> grind: Error: Error in topo/sitecorr map creation, exiting.
>> Branden C. Christensen
>> Director, OSOP
>> branden.christensen at osop.com.pa
>> www.osop.com.pa
>> Volcan, Panama
>> On Fri, Jul 13, 2012 at 10:04 PM, Bruce Worden <cbworden at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Okay. Edit the program <shake>/bin/topo2grd and set $VERBOSE = 1, then try to run grind again and let us look at the output.
>> Bruce
>> On Jul 13, 2012, at 2:05 PM, Branden Christensen wrote:
>>> Bruce:
>>> I am running it from user "osop" and the permissions look good:
>>> osop at sandbox1:/opt/shakemap/dem$ ls -l
>>> total 3037932
>>> drwxr-xr-x 4 osop osop      4096 Jun  7 11:45 SRTM30
>>> -rw-r-xr-x 1 osop osop     38252 Jul 10 08:52 Utah_srtm.jpg
>>> -rwxr-xr-x 1 osop osop      4293 Jul 10 08:52 dem2grd.pl
>>> -rwxr-xr-x 1 osop osop      3653 Jul 10 08:52 dem2grd.pl.orig
>>> -rw-r-xr-x 1 osop osop 115201364 Jul 10 08:50 e020n40.grd
>>> -rw-r-xr-x 1 osop osop 115201364 Jul 10 08:50 e020n90.grd
>>> -rw-r-xr-x 1 osop osop 115201364 Jul 10 08:50 e020s10.grd
>>> -rw-r-xr-x 1 osop osop 115201364 Jul 10 08:50 e060n40.grd
>>> ...
>>> and 
>>> osop at sandbox1:/opt/shakemap$ ls -l
>>> total 108
>>> ...
>>> drwxr-xr-x  3 osop osop  4096 Jul 10 08:52 dem
>>> ...
>>> Branden C. Christensen
>>> Director, OSOP
>>> branden.christensen at osop.com.pa
>>> www.osop.com.pa
>>> Volcan, Panama
>>> On Fri, Jul 13, 2012 at 8:57 PM, Bruce Worden <cbworden at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hmm, that's strange. Does the ShakeMap user have permission to write files in /opt/shakemap/dem?
>>> Bruce
>>> On Jul 13, 2012, at 11:40 AM, Branden Christensen wrote:
>>>> Bruce:
>>>> I changed the path in /opt/shakemap/install/macros to: 
>>>> DEMDIR = /opt/shakemap/dem/SRTM30
>>>> The contents of my are exactly the same as yours:
>>>> osop at sandbox1:/opt/shakemap$ ls /opt/shakemap/dem/SRTM30
>>>> DATA    Utah_srtm.jpg  dem2grd.pl.orig  foo.jpg  grab_srtm30.pl  topo.cpt
>>>> SRTM30  dem2grd.pl     foo.grd          foo.ps   map.pl
>>>> osop at sandbox1:/opt/shakemap$ ls /opt/shakemap/dem/SRTM30/DATA
>>>> e020n40.grd  e060s10.grd  e140n90.grd  w060n40.grd  w100s10.grd  w180n90.grd
>>>> e020n90.grd  e100n40.grd  e140s10.grd  w060n90.grd  w140n40.grd  w180s10.grd
>>>> e020s10.grd  e100n90.grd  w020n40.grd  w060s10.grd  w140n90.grd
>>>> e060n40.grd  e100s10.grd  w020n90.grd  w100n40.grd  w140s10.grd
>>>> e060n90.grd  e140n40.grd  w020s10.grd  w100n90.grd  w180n40.grd
>>>> I then did a "sudo make veryclean" and "sudo make all" just in case it mattered. 
>>>> The output is still:
>>>> osop at sandbox1:/opt/shakemap/bin$ ./grind -event 9583161 -xml -qtm -verbose
>>>> Map bound: -120.150000/-117.650000/33.533000/35.593000
>>>> cp: cannot stat `/opt/shakemap/dem//tmp.topo2grd.28555.grd': No such file or directory
>>>> grdsample: Could not find file [/opt/shakemap/dem//tmp.topo2grd.28555.grd.1]
>>>> Could not find /opt/shakemap/dem//tmp.topo2grd.28555.grd, aborting.
>>>> grind: Error: Error in topo/sitecorr map creation, exiting.
>>>> B
>>>> Branden C. Christensen
>>>> Director, OSOP
>>>> branden.christensen at osop.com.pa
>>>> www.osop.com.pa
>>>> Volcan, Panama
>>>> On Fri, Jul 13, 2012 at 6:16 PM, Bruce Worden <cbworden at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi Branden,
>>>> Congratulations -- it looks like you're almost there.
>>>> I believe the error messages are related. When you run mapping with -gsm, it expects to find a topo file left behind by grind. But you were running without -qtm, so the topo file never got made. When you run grind with -qtm, it's not finding the DEM for some reason.
>>>> Here is how my system is set up: In <shake>/include/macros, I have the following line:
>>>> DEMDIR = /Users/bruceworden/Unix/ShakeMap/DATA/SRTM30
>>>> In that directory is another directory called DATA (i.e., /Users/bruceworden/Unix/ShakeMap/DATA/SRTM30/DATA) that contains the following files:
>>>> [giles:DATA] <281> ls
>>>> e020n40.grd  e060s10.grd  e140n90.grd  w060n40.grd  w100s10.grd  w180n90.grd 
>>>> e020n90.grd  e100n40.grd  e140s10.grd  w060n90.grd  w140n40.grd  w180s10.grd 
>>>> e020s10.grd  e100n90.grd  w020n40.grd  w060s10.grd  w140n90.grd  
>>>> e060n40.grd  e100s10.grd  w020n90.grd  w100n40.grd  w140s10.grd  
>>>> e060n90.grd  e140n40.grd  w020s10.grd  w100n90.grd  w180n40.grd  
>>>> See if you have an analogous setup on your machine. Note that the DEM files are GMT grd files. If you have the raw DEM files, you'll need to use the program dem2grd.pl (which should be included with the directory you got from Kuo-Wan's FTP site) to convert them.
>>>> Bruce
>>>> On Jul 13, 2012, at 9:43 AM, Branden Christensen wrote:
>>>>> Bruce et al.:
>>>>> Great news. I have what looks like an operational ShakeMap installed on Ubuntu 10.04. 
>>>>> It turns out the error I reported in my last email:
>>>>> pscoast: full resolution shoreline data base not installed
>>>>> was due to a version problem. I had coastline files version 2.0.2 and v2.0.2 files are not backwards compatible with GMT v4.5.1-1. I needed to use version 2.0.1. If anyone runs into this issue in the future here are the resources that led me to the solution:
>>>>> - https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups#!topic/linux.debian.bugs.dist/Av7HBia3sbc
>>>>> - ftp://ftp.iris.washington.edu/pub/gmt/
>>>>> What follows is the output I am now getting for ShakeMap. A jpeg for the test event is attached. 
>>>>> I am concerned about the following error:
>>>>> Could not find /opt/shakemap/dem//tmp.topo2grd.27124.grd, aborting.
>>>>> Please see below for the details:
>>>>> WITHOUT -qtm flag for grind...
>>>>> osop at sandbox1:/opt/shakemap/bin$ ./shake -event 9583161 -dryrun
>>>>> /opt/shakemap/bin/../bin/retrieve -event 9583161
>>>>> /opt/shakemap/bin/../bin/grind -event 9583161 -xml
>>>>> /opt/shakemap/bin/../bin/tag -event 9583161
>>>>> /opt/shakemap/bin/../bin/mapping -event 9583161 -gsm -timestamp -itopo
>>>>> /opt/shakemap/bin/../bin/genex -event 9583161 -zip -metadata -shape shape
>>>>> /opt/shakemap/bin/../bin/transfer -event 9583161 -www -push
>>>>> /opt/shakemap/bin/../bin/setversion -event 9583161
>>>>> osop at sandbox1:/opt/shakemap/bin$ ./retrieve -event 9583161 -verbose
>>>>> osop at sandbox1:/opt/shakemap/bin$ ./grind -event 9583161 -xml -verbose
>>>>> Map bound: -120.150000/-117.650000/33.533000/35.593000
>>>>> Using GMICE::WGRW11 for PGM2MI function
>>>>> Using GMICE::WGRW11 for Inverse PGM2MI function
>>>>> Using GMPE::BA08 for GMPE
>>>>> BA08: No source mechanism specified. Using default.
>>>>> grind: Bias 0.43 0.47
>>>>> grind: 16 amps flagged out this iteration
>>>>> grind: Bias 0.43 0.51
>>>>> grind: 1 amps flagged out this iteration
>>>>> grind: Bias 0.43 0.51
>>>>> grind: 0 amps flagged out this iteration
>>>>> Using DefaultIPE for IPE
>>>>> Using GMPE::BA08 for GMPE
>>>>> BA08: No source mechanism specified. Using default.
>>>>> Intensity Bias=0.57
>>>>> 0 amps flagged out this iteration
>>>>> Uncertainty computation skipped (no Intensity > 6.0)
>>>>> osop at sandbox1:/opt/shakemap/bin$ ./tag -event 9583161 -verbose
>>>>> tag: exiting without action
>>>>> osop at sandbox1:/opt/shakemap/bin$ ./mapping -event 9583161 -gsm -timestamp -itopo -verbose
>>>>> Running: /opt/shakemap/bin/../bin/echo -117.650000 35.593000 | /usr/lib/gmt/bin/mapproject -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM16.51
>>>>> Running: /opt/shakemap/bin/../bin/echo -117.650000 35.593000 | /usr/lib/gmt/bin/mapproject -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM25.4
>>>>> Running: /opt/shakemap/bin/../bin/echo -117.650000 35.593000 | /usr/lib/gmt/bin/mapproject -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JQ0/16.51
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/psbasemap -Bw -P -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM16.51 -X2.54 -Y2.54 -K
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/psbasemap -Bw -P -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM16.51 -X2.54 -Y6.35 -K
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/psxy /opt/shakemap/bin/../lib/mapping/ca_roads.xy -P -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM16.51 -m -W6/153/153/153 -O -K
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/pscoast -P -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM16.51 -N1/5 -N2/5 -Df -W5 -S120/160/220 -Ia/2/120/160/220 -O -K
>>>>> Running: /opt/shakemap/bin/../bin/echo -118.900000 34.563000 | /usr/lib/gmt/bin/psxy -P -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM16.51 -Sa0.762 -W6/255/0/0 -L -O -K
>>>>> Running: /opt/shakemap/bin/../bin/echo "0 -1.143 9 0 1 5 Map Version 1 Processed Fri Jul 13, 2012 10:29:52 AM EST " | /usr/lib/gmt/bin/pstext -JX16.4465450265/16.51 -R0/16.4465450265/0/16.51 -N -O -K
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/psbasemap -P -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM16.51 -Ba60mf30m/a30mf30mWSen -Lfx2.54/1.78/34.5630/50+l -O
>>>>> mapping: Creating topography files.
>>>>> Could not find /opt/shakemap/dem//tmp.topo2grd.27124.grd, aborting.
>>>>> mapping: Topography file created.
>>>>> mapping: WARNING: no topography data found; will continue without topo.
>>>>> Sampling to a finer grid; old: 0.025000/0.025122 new: 30c/30c
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/grdsample /opt/shakemap/bin/../data/9583161/output/mi.grd -G/opt/shakemap/bin/../data/9583161/mapping/tmp_mi.grd -I30c/30c
>>>>> mapping: WARNING: can't find topo data: making mi without topography
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/grdimage /opt/shakemap/bin/../data/9583161/mapping/tmp_mi.grd -P -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000/10/3000 -JM16.51 -C/opt/shakemap/bin/../lib/mapping/Ii.cpt -O -K
>>>>> mapping: WARNING: can't find topo data: making mi without topography
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/grdimage /opt/shakemap/bin/../data/9583161/mapping/tmp_mi.grd -P -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000/10/3000 -JM25.4 -C/opt/shakemap/bin/../lib/mapping/Ii_ntsc.cpt -O -K
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/grdcontour /opt/shakemap/bin/../data/9583161/output/pga.grd -P -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM16.51 -C0.9 -W5/255/255/255 -Af12/255/255/255 -Q8 -m -L0.45/9999 -O -K
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/grdcontour /opt/shakemap/bin/../data/9583161/output/pgv.grd -P -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM16.51 -C0.2 -W5/255/255/255 -Af12/255/255/255 -Q8 -m -L0.1/9999 -O -K
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/grdimage /opt/shakemap/bin/../data/9583161/output/urat_pga.grd -P -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM16.51 -C/opt/shakemap/bin/../lib/mapping/sd.cpt -O -K
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/psscale -C/opt/shakemap/bin/../lib/mapping/sd.cpt.legend.no1 -D6.7i/2.75i/5.00i/0.2i -O -K
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/psscale -Bp -C/opt/shakemap/bin/../lib/mapping/sd.cpt.legend -D6.7i/2.75i/5.00i/0.2i -O -K
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/psscale -C/opt/shakemap/bin/../lib/mapping/sd.cpt.legend.0 -D6.7i/0.1i/0.2i/0.2i -O -K
>>>>> Running: echo 17.145 12.446 12 0 1 5 F  | /usr/lib/gmt/bin/pstext -JX16.4465450265/16.51 -R0/16.4465450265/0/16.51 -N -O -K
>>>>> Running: echo 17.145 1.524 12 0 1 5 A  | /usr/lib/gmt/bin/pstext -JX16.4465450265/16.51 -R0/16.4465450265/0/16.51 -N -O -K
>>>>> Running: echo 17.145 8.636 12 0 1 5 D  | /usr/lib/gmt/bin/pstext -JX16.4465450265/16.51 -R0/16.4465450265/0/16.51 -N -O -K
>>>>> Running: echo 17.145 4.318 12 0 1 5 C  | /usr/lib/gmt/bin/pstext -JX16.4465450265/16.51 -R0/16.4465450265/0/16.51 -N -O -K
>>>>> Running: echo 17.145 2.845 12 0 1 5 B  | /usr/lib/gmt/bin/pstext -JX16.4465450265/16.51 -R0/16.4465450265/0/16.51 -N -O -K
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/mapproject -JM16.51 -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/psxy -P -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM16.51 -S -W1 -L -O -K
>>>>> Done plotting stations.Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/psxy -P -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM16.51 -S -G255/255/0 -O -K
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/psxy -P -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM16.51 -S -G0/224/224 -O -K
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/psxy -P -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM16.51 -S -G102/102/255 -O -K
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/psxy -P -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM16.51 -S -G255/102/102 -O -K
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/psxy -P -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM16.51 -S -G0/0/255 -O -K
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/psxy -P -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM16.51 -S -G0/0/255 -O -K
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/psxy -P -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM16.51 -S -G255/255/0 -O -K
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/psxy -P -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM16.51 -S -G0/0/255 -O -K
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/psxy -P -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM16.51 -S -G102/255/102 -O -K
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/psxy -P -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM16.51 -S -G0/0/255 -O -K
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/psxy -P -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM16.51 -S -G0/0/255 -O -K
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/psxy -P -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM16.51 -S -G255/120/0 -O -K
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/psxy -P -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM16.51 -S -G0/0/255 -O -K
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/psxy -P -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM16.51 -S -G102/255/102 -O -K
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/psxy -P -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM16.51 -S -G255/0/255 -O -K
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/psxy -P -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM16.51 -S -G102/102/102 -O -K
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/psxy -P -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM16.51 -S -G204/0/0 -O -K
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/psxy -P -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM16.51 -S -G0/153/0 -O -K
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/psxy -P -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM16.51 -S -G255/255/0 -O -K
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/psxy -P -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM16.51 -S -G0/224/224 -O -K
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/psxy -P -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM16.51 -S -G102/102/255 -O -K
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/psxy -P -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM16.51 -S -G255/102/102 -O -K
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/psxy -P -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM16.51 -S -G0/0/255 -O -K
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/psxy -P -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM16.51 -S -G0/0/255 -O -K
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/psxy -P -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM16.51 -S -G255/255/0 -O -K
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/psxy -P -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM16.51 -S -G0/0/255 -O -K
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/psxy -P -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM16.51 -S -G102/255/102 -O -K
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/psxy -P -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM16.51 -S -G0/0/255 -O -K
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/psxy -P -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM16.51 -S -G0/0/255 -O -K
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/psxy -P -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM16.51 -S -G255/120/0 -O -K
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/psxy -P -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM16.51 -S -G0/0/255 -O -K
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/psxy -P -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM16.51 -S -G102/255/102 -O -K
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/psxy -P -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM16.51 -S -G255/0/255 -O -K
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/psxy -P -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM16.51 -S -G102/102/102 -O -K
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/psxy -P -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM16.51 -S -G204/0/0 -O -K
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/psxy -P -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM16.51 -S -G0/153/0 -O -K
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/psxy -P -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM16.51 -S -G255/255/0 -O -K
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/psxy -P -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM16.51 -S -G0/224/224 -O -K
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/psxy -P -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM16.51 -S -G102/102/255 -O -K
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/psxy -P -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM16.51 -S -G255/102/102 -O -K
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/psxy -P -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM16.51 -S -G0/0/255 -O -K
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/psxy -P -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM16.51 -S -G0/0/255 -O -K
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/psxy -P -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM16.51 -S -G255/255/0 -O -K
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/psxy -P -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM16.51 -S -G0/0/255 -O -K
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/psxy -P -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM16.51 -S -G102/255/102 -O -K
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/psxy -P -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM16.51 -S -G0/0/255 -O -K
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/psxy -P -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM16.51 -S -G0/0/255 -O -K
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/psxy -P -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM16.51 -S -G255/120/0 -O -K
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/psxy -P -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM16.51 -S -G0/0/255 -O -K
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/psxy -P -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM16.51 -S -G102/255/102 -O -K
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/psxy -P -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM16.51 -S -G255/0/255 -O -K
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/psxy -P -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM16.51 -S -G102/102/102 -O -K
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/psxy -P -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM16.51 -S -G204/0/0 -O -K
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/psxy -P -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM16.51 -S -G0/153/0 -O -K
>>>>> Running: /opt/shakemap/bin/../bin/echo -118.900000 34.563000 | /usr/lib/gmt/bin/mapproject -JM16.51 -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000
>>>>> mapping: WARNING: couldn't find topo and intensity data; will continue without topo.
>>>>> Making urat_pga plot
>>>>> Printing grade - (-0.000)
>>>>> Running: echo  '0.508 0.635 12 0 1 5 GRADE: - (Mean sigma: -)' | /usr/lib/gmt/bin/pstext -JX19.05/16.4465450265 -R0/19.05/0/16.4465450265 -C.05i -W255o4/0 -N -O -K 
>>>>> Running: echo  '13.53 0.508 12 0 1 5 MI = 6.0' | /usr/lib/gmt/bin/pstext -JX19.05/16.4465450265 -R0/19.05/0/16.4465450265 -N -O -K 
>>>>> Making pgv plot
>>>>> Making pga plot
>>>>> Making mi plot
>>>>> Done with mi plot
>>>>> Making tvmap
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/psbasemap -P -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM25.4 -Bwesn -X2.54 -Y2.54 -K
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/psxy /opt/shakemap/bin/../lib/mapping/ca_roads.xy -P -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM25.4 -m -W8/153/153/153 -O -K
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/pscoast -P -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM25.4 -Na/10/102/102/102 -Df -W10/102/102/102 -S120/160/220 -O -K
>>>>> Running: /opt/shakemap/bin/../bin/echo -118.900000 34.563000 | /usr/lib/gmt/bin/psxy -P -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM25.4 -Sa0.762 -W6/255/0/0 -L -O -K
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/psbasemap -P -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM25.4 -Bwesn -Lfx5.54/2.54/34.5630/50m+l -O
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/psbasemap -P -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM25.4 -Ba60mf30m/a30mf30mWSen -O
>>>>> Done with tvmap
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/grdimage /opt/shakemap/bin/../data/9583161/mapping/tmp_mi.grd -P -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JQ0/16.51 -C/opt/shakemap/bin/../lib/mapping/Ii_ntsc.cpt -K
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/pscoast -Df -P -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JQ0/16.51 -S0 -O
>>>>> osop at sandbox1:/opt/shakemap/bin$ ./genex -event 9583161 -zip -metadata -shape shape -verbose
>>>>> Creating 'genex' directory
>>>>> Creating shape files
>>>>> genex: /opt/shakemap/bin/../bin/contour -g pga.grd -C 0.04 -f 0.02 -Z 0.01 -T 4 -o shape_shape/pga >> /opt/shakemap/bin/../logs/shape.log 2>&1
>>>>> genex: /opt/shakemap/bin/../bin/contour -g psa03.grd -C 0.04 -f 0.02 -Z 0.01 -T 4 -o shape_shape/psa03 >> /opt/shakemap/bin/../logs/shape.log 2>&1
>>>>> genex: /opt/shakemap/bin/../bin/contour -g psa10.grd -C 0.04 -f 0.02 -Z 0.01 -T 4 -o shape_shape/psa10 >> /opt/shakemap/bin/../logs/shape.log 2>&1
>>>>> genex: /opt/shakemap/bin/../bin/contour -g psa30.grd -C 0.04 -f 0.02 -Z 0.01 -T 4 -o shape_shape/psa30 >> /opt/shakemap/bin/../logs/shape.log 2>&1
>>>>> genex: /opt/shakemap/bin/../bin/contour -g pgv.grd -C 2.0 -f 1.0 -Z 1.0 -T 4 -o shape_shape/pgv >> /opt/shakemap/bin/../logs/shape.log 2>&1
>>>>> genex: /opt/shakemap/bin/../bin/contour -g mi.grd -C 0.2 -f 0.1 -Z 1.0 -T 4 -o shape_shape/mi >> /opt/shakemap/bin/../logs/shape.log 2>&1
>>>>> Done.
>>>>> Fill data array
>>>>> Done.
>>>>> Updating the web database with the new event info
>>>>> Creating 'genex/ftp/9583161' directory
>>>>> Making JPEG's from PostScript files
>>>>> genex: Running: PATH=$PATH:/usr/bin/; export PATH; /usr/bin/convert -colorspace RGB -quality 85 -density 144x144 tvmap.ps tvmap.jpg; /usr/bin/convert -resize 50% -crop 864x861+0+-69 +antialias tvmap.jpg tvmap.jpg;
>>>>> genex: Running: PATH=$PATH:/usr/bin/; export PATH; /usr/bin/convert -colorspace RGB -quality 85 -density 144x144 urat_pga.ps urat_pga.jpg; /usr/bin/convert -resize 50% -crop +0+182 +antialias urat_pga.jpg urat_pga.jpg;
>>>>> genex: Running: PATH=$PATH:/usr/bin/; export PATH; /usr/bin/convert -colorspace RGB -quality 85 -density 144x144 pgv.ps pgv.jpg; /usr/bin/convert -resize 50% -crop +0+182 +antialias pgv.jpg pgv.jpg;
>>>>> genex: Running: PATH=$PATH:/usr/bin/; export PATH; /usr/bin/convert -colorspace RGB -quality 85 -density 144x144 intensity.ps intensity.jpg; /usr/bin/convert -resize 50% -crop +0+74 +antialias intensity.jpg intensity.jpg;/usr/bin/convert intensity.jpg -thumbnail 100x100 ii_thumbnail.jpg
>>>>> genex: Running: PATH=$PATH:/usr/bin/; export PATH; /usr/bin/convert -crop 468x386+72+334 -transparent black ii_overlay.ps ii_overlay.png
>>>>> genex: Running: PATH=$PATH:/usr/bin/; export PATH; /usr/bin/convert -colorspace RGB -quality 85 -density 144x144 pga.ps pga.jpg; /usr/bin/convert -resize 50% -crop +0+182 +antialias pga.jpg pga.jpg;
>>>>> genex: Running: PATH=$PATH:/usr/bin/; export PATH; /usr/bin/convert -colorspace RGB -quality 85 -density 144x144 tvmap_bare.ps tvmap_bare.jpg; /usr/bin/convert -resize 50% -crop 864x861+0+-69 +antialias tvmap_bare.jpg tvmap_bare.jpg;
>>>>> Done.
>>>>> Preparing info for clickmaps
>>>>> Done.
>>>>> Collecting files for the web site
>>>>> Done.
>>>>> Creating metadata.
>>>>> Running: /usr/bin/mp -h metadata.html -x metadata.xml -t metadata.txt metadata.txt
>>>>> Usage:
>>>>> mp [-a4] [-addhdr type] [-alias name] [-allhdrs] [-article] [-bottom #] 
>>>>>    [-bsdprint] [-chars #] [-columns #] [-config name] [-content] [-copies #] 
>>>>>    [-digest] [-elm] [-flip] [-folder] [-forcepage] [-from] [-help] 
>>>>>    [-landscape] [-left #] [-linelength #] [-modtime] [-name appname] 
>>>>>    [-newpage] [-nobanners] [-noburstpage] [-number] [-onesided] [-organiser 
>>>>>    {filofax|franklin|proplan|timeman|tsintl|tspartner} ] [-pagelength #] 
>>>>>    [-portrait] [-postscript] [-printer] [-prologue name] [-remhdr type] 
>>>>>    [-right #] [-subject text] [-tab #] [-text] [-tumble] [-twosided] [-us] 
>>>>>    [-version] [-words #] [-wrap] [filename ...] 
>>>>> Done.
>>>>> Creating KML/KMZ.
>>>>> Done.
>>>>> Finishing up shape files...
>>>>> Done.
>>>>> Cooking web pages
>>>>> Build homepage
>>>>> Build 'Most Recent Earthquake' table
>>>>> Build 'Other Recent Earthquakes' list
>>>>>   events [] in list
>>>>> Done.
>>>>> osop at sandbox1:/opt/shakemap/bin$ ./transfer -event 9583161 -www -push -verbose
>>>>> transfer: ----- Starting Transfer at 07/13/2012 10:31:21 -----
>>>>> transfer: ----- Transfer finished at 07/13/2012 10:31:21 -----
>>>>> osop at sandbox1:/opt/shakemap/bin$ ./setversion -event 9583161 -verbose
>>>>> setversion: Nothing to do, exiting.
>>>>> WITH -qtm flag for grind...
>>>>> osop at sandbox1:/opt/shakemap/bin$ ./grind -event 9583161 -xml -qtm -verbose
>>>>> Map bound: -120.150000/-117.650000/33.533000/35.593000
>>>>> cp: cannot stat `/opt/shakemap/dem//tmp.topo2grd.29713.grd': No such file or directory
>>>>> grdsample: Could not find file [/opt/shakemap/dem//tmp.topo2grd.29713.grd.1]
>>>>> Could not find /opt/shakemap/dem//tmp.topo2grd.29713.grd, aborting.
>>>>> grind: Error: Error in topo/sitecorr map creation, exiting.
>>>>> Branden Christensen
>>>>> branden.christensen at osop.com.pa
>>>>> www.osop.com.pa
>>>>> <intensity.jpg>
> <pgv.jpg><pga.jpg><intensity.jpg>

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