[Shake-dev] ShakeMap installation and user inquiries

Branden Christensen branden.christensen at osop.com.pa
Mon Jul 16 17:08:03 UTC 2012


I suspect the issue boils down to wrong paths.

Again, I do not know where the GMT module dem2grid lives. So I could not
edit it. Instead, I navigated around the problem by telling the dem2grd
sub-routine in topo2grd to execute the dem2grd.pl script included with
SRTM30, by-passing GMT.

After changing the default paths within dem2grd.pl, everything worked

Let me know if I can provide any more details.


*Branden C. Christensen*
Director, OSOP
*branden.christensen at osop.com.pa*
Volcan, Panama

On Mon, Jul 16, 2012 at 4:41 PM, Bruce Worden <cbworden at gmail.com> wrote:

> Congratulations! I'm glad you've got it working.
> I'm a bit mystified as to why these changes were necessary. Most systems
> work fine with the supplied version. I suspect there is some default
> behavior of some system program (like 'mv' or 'cp') or library function
> that is different on Ubuntu than other systems (or you have a new version
> of a Perl module that changed something similar). If you can point to the
> precise line where the error occurred, I'll try to track it down.
> Somehow you've managed to avoid the usual problems with Ubuntu, which
> occur when the C programs in the "contour" directory try to link with GMT
> and NetCDF. Those problems were, in the past, seemingly insurmountable. At
> least none of the several people who tried ever solved it.
> Good luck, and let us know about your progress.
> Bruce
> On Jul 14, 2012, at 3:51 PM, Branden Christensen wrote:
> Bruce:
> This will likely go down in the annals of ShakeMap as a truly obscure bit
> of knowledge but perhaps it will help someone down the road...
> *The error in question:*
> cp /opt/shakemap/dem//tmp.topo2grd.21322.grd
> /opt/shakemap/dem//tmp.topo2grd.21322.grd.1
> cp: cannot stat `/opt/shakemap/dem//tmp.topo2grd.21322.grd': No such file
> or directory
> *Origin:*
> The error originates from within topo2grd at the dem2grd sub routine
> (dem2grd is a GMT tool):
> *The Problem:*
> The GMT command dem2grid tries to write the tmp.topo2grd.21322.grd file to
> a path that does not exist.
> *The Solution:*
> I do not know where to find the dem2grid file. It is probably a gmt binary
> anyway. Fortunately, the SRTM30 folder I downloaded from
> ftp://ftpext.usgs.gov/pub/cr/co/golden/lin/ShakeMap%20Portable/SRTM30.tar.gzcame with a perl script called
> dem2grid.pl.
> The Solution then,
> nano /opt/shakemap/bin/topo2grd
> Change from: my $results = dem2grd($bounds,$tmp,$res);
> To: my $results = command ("/opt/shakemap/dem/dem2grd.pl $bounds $tmp
> $res");
> nano /opt/shakemap/dem/dem2grd.pl
> Make the following changes:
> my $home = "/opt/shakemap/dem";
> my $gmt = "/usr/lib/gmt/bin/";
> my $file = "$lon$lat.grd"; (was my $file = "DATA/$lon$lat.grd")
> And done.
> Thanks again for the help Bruce. To prove ShakeMap can work on Ubuntu,
> please see the attached images.
> Best,
> *Branden C. Christensen*
> Director, OSOP
> *branden.christensen at osop.com.pa*
> www.osop.com.pa
> Volcan, Panama
> On Sat, Jul 14, 2012 at 4:01 PM, Bruce Worden <cbworden at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Branden,
>> I set my system to use the same grid spacing and map area that you're
>> using, but I can't reproduce the error. I've tried to trace through to
>> where things could go wrong, but there are several branches that could
>> generate the same error messages.
>> As I see it, there are three possible problems: 1) It's a GMT issue -- I
>> seem to recall problems with 4.5.1, but I don't remember what they were; 2)
>> There's a issue with one or more perl modules -- I consider this fairly
>> unlikely, but possible; 3) We're running into the Ubuntu issues -- I don't
>> recall this exact problem, usually it's a little later in grind when it
>> tries to run sm_nearneighbor, but I don't know if anyone has tried Ubuntu
>> with the DEM, so this could be a problem.
>> I see three options: 1) Give up and use the virtual machine -- you'll be
>> up and running in five minutes; 2) Upgrade your GMT to 4.5.5 or 4.5.7 and
>> see if that fixes the problem; 3) Debug topo2grd and see if you can find
>> where it's going off track. You'll notice that the verbose option gives you
>> the full command:
>> /opt/shakemap/bin/../bin/topo2grd 9583161
>> -120.150000/-117.650000/33.533000/35.593000 0.025/0.025 regime=active
>> You can run this from the command line. You can either add print
>> statements until you identify the problem, or there's a perl visual
>> debugger called ptkdb that you can install. The problem appears as if it
>> starts in the subroutine called "dem2grd" or one of those below it.
>> Sorry, I wish I could be more help. Let me know what progress you make.
>> Bruce
>> On Jul 13, 2012, at 3:12 PM, Branden Christensen wrote:
>> *First, $VERBOSE=0;*
>> *
>> *
>> *osop at sandbox1:/opt/shakemap/bin$ ./grind -event 9583161 -xml -qtm
>> -verbose*
>> Map bound: -120.150000/-117.650000/33.533000/35.593000
>> cp: cannot stat `/opt/shakemap/dem//tmp.topo2grd.24664.grd': No such file
>> or directory
>> grdsample: Could not find file
>> [/opt/shakemap/dem//tmp.topo2grd.24664.grd.1]
>> Could not find /opt/shakemap/dem//tmp.topo2grd.24664.grd, aborting.
>> grind: Error: Error in topo/sitecorr map creation, exiting.
>> *
>> *
>> *osop at sandbox1:/opt/shakemap/bin$ ./grind -event 9583161 -xml -qtm
>> -verbose*
>> Map bound: -120.150000/-117.650000/33.533000/35.593000
>> cp: cannot stat `/opt/shakemap/dem//tmp.topo2grd.24744.grd': No such file
>> or directory
>> grdsample: Could not find file
>> [/opt/shakemap/dem//tmp.topo2grd.24744.grd.1]
>> /opt/shakemap/bin/../bin/topo2grd 9583161
>> -120.150000/-117.650000/33.533000/35.593000 0.025/0.025 regime=active
>> Using /opt/shakemap/dem/. Final resolution fixed at 0.025.
>> Done with pasting.
>> cp /opt/shakemap/dem//tmp.topo2grd.24744.grd
>> /opt/shakemap/dem//tmp.topo2grd.24744.grd.1
>> /usr/lib/gmt/bin/grdsample /opt/shakemap/dem//tmp.topo2grd.24744.grd.1
>> -G/opt/shakemap/dem//tmp.topo2grd.24744.grd -I0.025
>> Could not find /opt/shakemap/dem//tmp.topo2grd.24744.grd, aborting.
>> grind: Error: Error in topo/sitecorr map creation, exiting.
>> *Branden C. Christensen*
>> Director, OSOP
>> *branden.christensen at osop.com.pa*
>> www.osop.com.pa
>> Volcan, Panama
>> On Fri, Jul 13, 2012 at 10:04 PM, Bruce Worden <cbworden at gmail.com>wrote:
>>> Okay. Edit the program <shake>/bin/topo2grd and set $VERBOSE = 1, then
>>> try to run grind again and let us look at the output.
>>> Bruce
>>> On Jul 13, 2012, at 2:05 PM, Branden Christensen wrote:
>>> Bruce:
>>> I am running it from user "osop" and the permissions look good:
>>> osop at sandbox1:/opt/shakemap/dem$ ls -l
>>> total 3037932
>>> drwxr-xr-x 4 osop osop      4096 Jun  7 11:45 SRTM30
>>> -rw-r-xr-x 1 osop osop     38252 Jul 10 08:52 Utah_srtm.jpg
>>> -rwxr-xr-x 1 osop osop      4293 Jul 10 08:52 dem2grd.pl
>>> -rwxr-xr-x 1 osop osop      3653 Jul 10 08:52 dem2grd.pl.orig
>>> -rw-r-xr-x 1 osop osop 115201364 Jul 10 08:50 e020n40.grd
>>> -rw-r-xr-x 1 osop osop 115201364 Jul 10 08:50 e020n90.grd
>>> -rw-r-xr-x 1 osop osop 115201364 Jul 10 08:50 e020s10.grd
>>> -rw-r-xr-x 1 osop osop 115201364 Jul 10 08:50 e060n40.grd
>>> ...
>>> and
>>> osop at sandbox1:/opt/shakemap$ ls -l
>>> total 108
>>> ...
>>> drwxr-xr-x  3 osop osop  4096 Jul 10 08:52 dem
>>> ...
>>> *Branden C. Christensen*
>>> Director, OSOP
>>> *branden.christensen at osop.com.pa*
>>> www.osop.com.pa
>>> Volcan, Panama
>>> On Fri, Jul 13, 2012 at 8:57 PM, Bruce Worden <cbworden at gmail.com>wrote:
>>>> Hmm, that's strange. Does the ShakeMap user have permission to write
>>>> files in /opt/shakemap/dem?
>>>> Bruce
>>>> On Jul 13, 2012, at 11:40 AM, Branden Christensen wrote:
>>>> Bruce:
>>>> I changed the path in /opt/shakemap/install/macros to:
>>>> DEMDIR = /opt/shakemap/dem/SRTM30
>>>> The contents of my are exactly the same as yours:
>>>> osop at sandbox1:/opt/shakemap$ ls /opt/shakemap/dem/SRTM30
>>>> DATA    Utah_srtm.jpg  dem2grd.pl.orig  foo.jpg  grab_srtm30.pl topo.cpt
>>>> SRTM30  dem2grd.pl     foo.grd          foo.ps   map.pl
>>>> osop at sandbox1:/opt/shakemap$ ls /opt/shakemap/dem/SRTM30/DATA
>>>> e020n40.grd  e060s10.grd  e140n90.grd  w060n40.grd  w100s10.grd
>>>>  w180n90.grd
>>>> e020n90.grd  e100n40.grd  e140s10.grd  w060n90.grd  w140n40.grd
>>>>  w180s10.grd
>>>> e020s10.grd  e100n90.grd  w020n40.grd  w060s10.grd  w140n90.grd
>>>> e060n40.grd  e100s10.grd  w020n90.grd  w100n40.grd  w140s10.grd
>>>> e060n90.grd  e140n40.grd  w020s10.grd  w100n90.grd  w180n40.grd
>>>> I then did a "sudo make veryclean" and "sudo make all" just in case it
>>>> mattered.
>>>> The output is still:
>>>> *osop at sandbox1:/opt/shakemap/bin$ ./grind -event 9583161 -xml -qtm
>>>> -verbose*
>>>> Map bound: -120.150000/-117.650000/33.533000/35.593000
>>>> cp: cannot stat `/opt/shakemap/dem//tmp.topo2grd.28555.grd': No such
>>>> file or directory
>>>> grdsample: Could not find file
>>>> [/opt/shakemap/dem//tmp.topo2grd.28555.grd.1]
>>>> Could not find /opt/shakemap/dem//tmp.topo2grd.28555.grd, aborting.
>>>> grind: Error: Error in topo/sitecorr map creation, exiting.
>>>> B
>>>> *Branden C. Christensen*
>>>> Director, OSOP
>>>> *branden.christensen at osop.com.pa*
>>>> www.osop.com.pa
>>>> Volcan, Panama
>>>> On Fri, Jul 13, 2012 at 6:16 PM, Bruce Worden <cbworden at gmail.com>wrote:
>>>>> Hi Branden,
>>>>> Congratulations -- it looks like you're almost there.
>>>>> I believe the error messages are related. When you run mapping with
>>>>> -gsm, it expects to find a topo file left behind by grind. But you were
>>>>> running without -qtm, so the topo file never got made. When you run grind
>>>>> with -qtm, it's not finding the DEM for some reason.
>>>>> Here is how my system is set up: In <shake>/include/macros, I have the
>>>>> following line:
>>>>> DEMDIR = /Users/bruceworden/Unix/ShakeMap/DATA/SRTM30
>>>>> In that directory is another directory called DATA
>>>>> (i.e., /Users/bruceworden/Unix/ShakeMap/DATA/SRTM30/DATA) that contains the
>>>>> following files:
>>>>> [giles:DATA] <281> ls
>>>>> e020n40.grd  e060s10.grd  e140n90.grd  w060n40.grd  w100s10.grd
>>>>>  w180n90.grd
>>>>> e020n90.grd  e100n40.grd  e140s10.grd  w060n90.grd  w140n40.grd
>>>>>  w180s10.grd
>>>>> e020s10.grd  e100n90.grd  w020n40.grd  w060s10.grd  w140n90.grd
>>>>> e060n40.grd  e100s10.grd  w020n90.grd  w100n40.grd  w140s10.grd
>>>>> e060n90.grd  e140n40.grd  w020s10.grd  w100n90.grd  w180n40.grd
>>>>> See if you have an analogous setup on your machine. Note that the DEM
>>>>> files are GMT grd files. If you have the raw DEM files, you'll need to use
>>>>> the program dem2grd.pl (which should be included with the directory
>>>>> you got from Kuo-Wan's FTP site) to convert them.
>>>>> Bruce
>>>>> On Jul 13, 2012, at 9:43 AM, Branden Christensen wrote:
>>>>> Bruce et al.:
>>>>> Great news. I have what looks like an operational ShakeMap installed
>>>>> on Ubuntu 10.04.
>>>>> It turns out the error I reported in my last email:
>>>>> pscoast: full resolution shoreline data base not installed
>>>>> was due to a version problem. I had coastline files version 2.0.2 and
>>>>> v2.0.2 files are not backwards compatible with GMT v4.5.1-1. I needed to
>>>>> use version 2.0.1. If anyone runs into this issue in the future here are
>>>>> the resources that led me to the solution:
>>>>> -
>>>>> https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups#!topic/linux.debian.bugs.dist/Av7HBia3sbc
>>>>>  - ftp://ftp.iris.washington.edu/pub/gmt/
>>>>> What follows is the output I am now getting for ShakeMap. A jpeg for
>>>>> the test event is attached.
>>>>> I am concerned about the following error:
>>>>> Could not find /opt/shakemap/dem//tmp.topo2grd.27124.grd, aborting.
>>>>> Please see below for the details:
>>>>> *WITHOUT -qtm flag for grind...*
>>>>> *
>>>>> *
>>>>> *
>>>>> *
>>>>> *osop at sandbox1:/opt/shakemap/bin$ ./shake -event 9583161 -dryrun*
>>>>> /opt/shakemap/bin/../bin/retrieve -event 9583161
>>>>> /opt/shakemap/bin/../bin/grind -event 9583161 -xml
>>>>> /opt/shakemap/bin/../bin/tag -event 9583161
>>>>> /opt/shakemap/bin/../bin/mapping -event 9583161 -gsm -timestamp -itopo
>>>>> /opt/shakemap/bin/../bin/genex -event 9583161 -zip -metadata -shape
>>>>> shape
>>>>> /opt/shakemap/bin/../bin/transfer -event 9583161 -www -push
>>>>> /opt/shakemap/bin/../bin/setversion -event 9583161
>>>>> *osop at sandbox1:/opt/shakemap/bin$ ./retrieve -event 9583161 -verbose*
>>>>> *osop at sandbox1:/opt/shakemap/bin$ ./grind -event 9583161 -xml -verbose
>>>>> *
>>>>> Map bound: -120.150000/-117.650000/33.533000/35.593000
>>>>> Using GMICE::WGRW11 for PGM2MI function
>>>>> Using GMICE::WGRW11 for Inverse PGM2MI function
>>>>> Using GMPE::BA08 for GMPE
>>>>> BA08: No source mechanism specified. Using default.
>>>>> grind: Bias 0.43 0.47
>>>>> grind: 16 amps flagged out this iteration
>>>>> grind: Bias 0.43 0.51
>>>>> grind: 1 amps flagged out this iteration
>>>>> grind: Bias 0.43 0.51
>>>>> grind: 0 amps flagged out this iteration
>>>>> Using DefaultIPE for IPE
>>>>> Using GMPE::BA08 for GMPE
>>>>> BA08: No source mechanism specified. Using default.
>>>>> Intensity Bias=0.57
>>>>> 0 amps flagged out this iteration
>>>>> Uncertainty computation skipped (no Intensity > 6.0)
>>>>> *osop at sandbox1:/opt/shakemap/bin$ ./tag -event 9583161 -verbose*
>>>>> tag: exiting without action
>>>>> *osop at sandbox1:/opt/shakemap/bin$ ./mapping -event 9583161 -gsm
>>>>> -timestamp -itopo -verbose*
>>>>> Running: /opt/shakemap/bin/../bin/echo -117.650000 35.593000 |
>>>>> /usr/lib/gmt/bin/mapproject
>>>>> -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM16.51
>>>>> Running: /opt/shakemap/bin/../bin/echo -117.650000 35.593000 |
>>>>> /usr/lib/gmt/bin/mapproject
>>>>> -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM25.4
>>>>> Running: /opt/shakemap/bin/../bin/echo -117.650000 35.593000 |
>>>>> /usr/lib/gmt/bin/mapproject
>>>>> -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JQ0/16.51
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/psbasemap -Bw -P
>>>>> -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM16.51
>>>>> -X2.54 -Y2.54 -K
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/psbasemap -Bw -P
>>>>> -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM16.51
>>>>> -X2.54 -Y6.35 -K
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/psxy
>>>>> /opt/shakemap/bin/../lib/mapping/ca_roads.xy -P
>>>>> -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM16.51 -m
>>>>> -W6/153/153/153 -O -K
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/pscoast -P
>>>>> -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM16.51
>>>>> -N1/5 -N2/5 -Df -W5 -S120/160/220 -Ia/2/120/160/220 -O -K
>>>>> Running: /opt/shakemap/bin/../bin/echo -118.900000 34.563000 |
>>>>> /usr/lib/gmt/bin/psxy -P
>>>>> -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM16.51
>>>>> -Sa0.762 -W6/255/0/0 -L -O -K
>>>>> Running: /opt/shakemap/bin/../bin/echo "0 -1.143 9 0 1 5 Map Version 1
>>>>> Processed Fri Jul 13, 2012 10:29:52 AM EST " | /usr/lib/gmt/bin/pstext
>>>>> -JX16.4465450265/16.51 -R0/16.4465450265/0/16.51 -N -O -K
>>>>>  Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/psbasemap -P
>>>>> -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM16.51
>>>>> -Ba60mf30m/a30mf30mWSen -Lfx2.54/1.78/34.5630/50+l -O
>>>>> mapping: Creating topography files.
>>>>> Could not find /opt/shakemap/dem//tmp.topo2grd.27124.grd, aborting.
>>>>> mapping: Topography file created.
>>>>> mapping: WARNING: no topography data found; will continue without topo.
>>>>> Sampling to a finer grid; old: 0.025000/0.025122 new: 30c/30c
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/grdsample
>>>>> /opt/shakemap/bin/../data/9583161/output/mi.grd
>>>>> -G/opt/shakemap/bin/../data/9583161/mapping/tmp_mi.grd -I30c/30c
>>>>> mapping: WARNING: can't find topo data: making mi without topography
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/grdimage
>>>>> /opt/shakemap/bin/../data/9583161/mapping/tmp_mi.grd -P
>>>>> -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000/10/3000
>>>>> -JM16.51 -C/opt/shakemap/bin/../lib/mapping/Ii.cpt -O -K
>>>>> mapping: WARNING: can't find topo data: making mi without topography
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/grdimage
>>>>> /opt/shakemap/bin/../data/9583161/mapping/tmp_mi.grd -P
>>>>> -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000/10/3000
>>>>> -JM25.4 -C/opt/shakemap/bin/../lib/mapping/Ii_ntsc.cpt -O -K
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/grdcontour
>>>>> /opt/shakemap/bin/../data/9583161/output/pga.grd -P
>>>>> -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM16.51
>>>>> -C0.9 -W5/255/255/255 -Af12/255/255/255 -Q8 -m -L0.45/9999 -O -K
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/grdcontour
>>>>> /opt/shakemap/bin/../data/9583161/output/pgv.grd -P
>>>>> -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM16.51
>>>>> -C0.2 -W5/255/255/255 -Af12/255/255/255 -Q8 -m -L0.1/9999 -O -K
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/grdimage
>>>>> /opt/shakemap/bin/../data/9583161/output/urat_pga.grd -P
>>>>> -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM16.51
>>>>> -C/opt/shakemap/bin/../lib/mapping/sd.cpt -O -K
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/psscale
>>>>> -C/opt/shakemap/bin/../lib/mapping/sd.cpt.legend.no1
>>>>> -D6.7i/2.75i/5.00i/0.2i -O -K
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/psscale -Bp
>>>>> -C/opt/shakemap/bin/../lib/mapping/sd.cpt.legend -D6.7i/2.75i/5.00i/0.2i -O
>>>>> -K
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/psscale
>>>>> -C/opt/shakemap/bin/../lib/mapping/sd.cpt.legend.0 -D6.7i/0.1i/0.2i/0.2i -O
>>>>> -K
>>>>> Running: echo 17.145 12.446 12 0 1 5 F  | /usr/lib/gmt/bin/pstext
>>>>> -JX16.4465450265/16.51 -R0/16.4465450265/0/16.51 -N -O -K
>>>>> Running: echo 17.145 1.524 12 0 1 5 A  | /usr/lib/gmt/bin/pstext
>>>>> -JX16.4465450265/16.51 -R0/16.4465450265/0/16.51 -N -O -K
>>>>> Running: echo 17.145 8.636 12 0 1 5 D  | /usr/lib/gmt/bin/pstext
>>>>> -JX16.4465450265/16.51 -R0/16.4465450265/0/16.51 -N -O -K
>>>>> Running: echo 17.145 4.318 12 0 1 5 C  | /usr/lib/gmt/bin/pstext
>>>>> -JX16.4465450265/16.51 -R0/16.4465450265/0/16.51 -N -O -K
>>>>> Running: echo 17.145 2.845 12 0 1 5 B  | /usr/lib/gmt/bin/pstext
>>>>> -JX16.4465450265/16.51 -R0/16.4465450265/0/16.51 -N -O -K
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/mapproject -JM16.51
>>>>> -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/psxy -P
>>>>> -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM16.51 -S
>>>>> -W1 -L -O -K
>>>>> Done plotting stations.Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/psxy -P
>>>>> -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM16.51 -S
>>>>> -G255/255/0 -O -K
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/psxy -P
>>>>> -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM16.51 -S
>>>>> -G0/224/224 -O -K
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/psxy -P
>>>>> -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM16.51 -S
>>>>> -G102/102/255 -O -K
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/psxy -P
>>>>> -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM16.51 -S
>>>>> -G255/102/102 -O -K
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/psxy -P
>>>>> -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM16.51 -S
>>>>> -G0/0/255 -O -K
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/psxy -P
>>>>> -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM16.51 -S
>>>>> -G0/0/255 -O -K
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/psxy -P
>>>>> -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM16.51 -S
>>>>> -G255/255/0 -O -K
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/psxy -P
>>>>> -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM16.51 -S
>>>>> -G0/0/255 -O -K
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/psxy -P
>>>>> -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM16.51 -S
>>>>> -G102/255/102 -O -K
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/psxy -P
>>>>> -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM16.51 -S
>>>>> -G0/0/255 -O -K
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/psxy -P
>>>>> -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM16.51 -S
>>>>> -G0/0/255 -O -K
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/psxy -P
>>>>> -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM16.51 -S
>>>>> -G255/120/0 -O -K
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/psxy -P
>>>>> -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM16.51 -S
>>>>> -G0/0/255 -O -K
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/psxy -P
>>>>> -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM16.51 -S
>>>>> -G102/255/102 -O -K
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/psxy -P
>>>>> -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM16.51 -S
>>>>> -G255/0/255 -O -K
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/psxy -P
>>>>> -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM16.51 -S
>>>>> -G102/102/102 -O -K
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/psxy -P
>>>>> -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM16.51 -S
>>>>> -G204/0/0 -O -K
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/psxy -P
>>>>> -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM16.51 -S
>>>>> -G0/153/0 -O -K
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/psxy -P
>>>>> -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM16.51 -S
>>>>> -G255/255/0 -O -K
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/psxy -P
>>>>> -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM16.51 -S
>>>>> -G0/224/224 -O -K
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/psxy -P
>>>>> -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM16.51 -S
>>>>> -G102/102/255 -O -K
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/psxy -P
>>>>> -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM16.51 -S
>>>>> -G255/102/102 -O -K
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/psxy -P
>>>>> -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM16.51 -S
>>>>> -G0/0/255 -O -K
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/psxy -P
>>>>> -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM16.51 -S
>>>>> -G0/0/255 -O -K
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/psxy -P
>>>>> -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM16.51 -S
>>>>> -G255/255/0 -O -K
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/psxy -P
>>>>> -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM16.51 -S
>>>>> -G0/0/255 -O -K
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/psxy -P
>>>>> -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM16.51 -S
>>>>> -G102/255/102 -O -K
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/psxy -P
>>>>> -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM16.51 -S
>>>>> -G0/0/255 -O -K
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/psxy -P
>>>>> -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM16.51 -S
>>>>> -G0/0/255 -O -K
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/psxy -P
>>>>> -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM16.51 -S
>>>>> -G255/120/0 -O -K
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/psxy -P
>>>>> -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM16.51 -S
>>>>> -G0/0/255 -O -K
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/psxy -P
>>>>> -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM16.51 -S
>>>>> -G102/255/102 -O -K
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/psxy -P
>>>>> -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM16.51 -S
>>>>> -G255/0/255 -O -K
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/psxy -P
>>>>> -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM16.51 -S
>>>>> -G102/102/102 -O -K
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/psxy -P
>>>>> -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM16.51 -S
>>>>> -G204/0/0 -O -K
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/psxy -P
>>>>> -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM16.51 -S
>>>>> -G0/153/0 -O -K
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/psxy -P
>>>>> -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM16.51 -S
>>>>> -G255/255/0 -O -K
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/psxy -P
>>>>> -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM16.51 -S
>>>>> -G0/224/224 -O -K
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/psxy -P
>>>>> -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM16.51 -S
>>>>> -G102/102/255 -O -K
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/psxy -P
>>>>> -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM16.51 -S
>>>>> -G255/102/102 -O -K
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/psxy -P
>>>>> -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM16.51 -S
>>>>> -G0/0/255 -O -K
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/psxy -P
>>>>> -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM16.51 -S
>>>>> -G0/0/255 -O -K
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/psxy -P
>>>>> -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM16.51 -S
>>>>> -G255/255/0 -O -K
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/psxy -P
>>>>> -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM16.51 -S
>>>>> -G0/0/255 -O -K
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/psxy -P
>>>>> -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM16.51 -S
>>>>> -G102/255/102 -O -K
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/psxy -P
>>>>> -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM16.51 -S
>>>>> -G0/0/255 -O -K
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/psxy -P
>>>>> -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM16.51 -S
>>>>> -G0/0/255 -O -K
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/psxy -P
>>>>> -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM16.51 -S
>>>>> -G255/120/0 -O -K
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/psxy -P
>>>>> -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM16.51 -S
>>>>> -G0/0/255 -O -K
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/psxy -P
>>>>> -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM16.51 -S
>>>>> -G102/255/102 -O -K
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/psxy -P
>>>>> -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM16.51 -S
>>>>> -G255/0/255 -O -K
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/psxy -P
>>>>> -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM16.51 -S
>>>>> -G102/102/102 -O -K
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/psxy -P
>>>>> -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM16.51 -S
>>>>> -G204/0/0 -O -K
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/psxy -P
>>>>> -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM16.51 -S
>>>>> -G0/153/0 -O -K
>>>>> Running: /opt/shakemap/bin/../bin/echo -118.900000 34.563000 |
>>>>> /usr/lib/gmt/bin/mapproject -JM16.51
>>>>> -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000
>>>>> mapping: WARNING: couldn't find topo and intensity data; will continue
>>>>> without topo.
>>>>> Making urat_pga plot
>>>>> Printing grade - (-0.000)
>>>>> Running: echo  '0.508 0.635 12 0 1 5 GRADE: - (Mean sigma: -)' |
>>>>> /usr/lib/gmt/bin/pstext -JX19.05/16.4465450265 -R0/19.05/0/16.4465450265
>>>>> -C.05i -W255o4/0 -N -O -K
>>>>> Running: echo  '13.53 0.508 12 0 1 5 MI = 6.0' |
>>>>> /usr/lib/gmt/bin/pstext -JX19.05/16.4465450265 -R0/19.05/0/16.4465450265 -N
>>>>> -O -K
>>>>> Making pgv plot
>>>>> Making pga plot
>>>>> Making mi plot
>>>>> Done with mi plot
>>>>> Making tvmap
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/psbasemap -P
>>>>> -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM25.4
>>>>> -Bwesn -X2.54 -Y2.54 -K
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/psxy
>>>>> /opt/shakemap/bin/../lib/mapping/ca_roads.xy -P
>>>>> -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM25.4 -m
>>>>> -W8/153/153/153 -O -K
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/pscoast -P
>>>>> -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM25.4
>>>>> -Na/10/102/102/102 -Df -W10/102/102/102 -S120/160/220 -O -K
>>>>> Running: /opt/shakemap/bin/../bin/echo -118.900000 34.563000 |
>>>>> /usr/lib/gmt/bin/psxy -P
>>>>> -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM25.4
>>>>> -Sa0.762 -W6/255/0/0 -L -O -K
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/psbasemap -P
>>>>> -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM25.4
>>>>> -Bwesn -Lfx5.54/2.54/34.5630/50m+l -O
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/psbasemap -P
>>>>> -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM25.4
>>>>> -Ba60mf30m/a30mf30mWSen -O
>>>>> Done with tvmap
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/grdimage
>>>>> /opt/shakemap/bin/../data/9583161/mapping/tmp_mi.grd -P
>>>>> -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JQ0/16.51
>>>>> -C/opt/shakemap/bin/../lib/mapping/Ii_ntsc.cpt -K
>>>>> Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/pscoast -Df -P
>>>>> -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JQ0/16.51
>>>>> -S0 -O
>>>>> *osop at sandbox1:/opt/shakemap/bin$ ./genex -event 9583161 -zip
>>>>> -metadata -shape shape -verbose*
>>>>> Creating 'genex' directory
>>>>> Creating shape files
>>>>> genex: /opt/shakemap/bin/../bin/contour -g pga.grd -C 0.04 -f 0.02 -Z
>>>>> 0.01 -T 4 -o shape_shape/pga >> /opt/shakemap/bin/../logs/shape.log 2>&1
>>>>> genex: /opt/shakemap/bin/../bin/contour -g psa03.grd -C 0.04 -f 0.02
>>>>> -Z 0.01 -T 4 -o shape_shape/psa03 >> /opt/shakemap/bin/../logs/shape.log
>>>>> 2>&1
>>>>> genex: /opt/shakemap/bin/../bin/contour -g psa10.grd -C 0.04 -f 0.02
>>>>> -Z 0.01 -T 4 -o shape_shape/psa10 >> /opt/shakemap/bin/../logs/shape.log
>>>>> 2>&1
>>>>> genex: /opt/shakemap/bin/../bin/contour -g psa30.grd -C 0.04 -f 0.02
>>>>> -Z 0.01 -T 4 -o shape_shape/psa30 >> /opt/shakemap/bin/../logs/shape.log
>>>>> 2>&1
>>>>> genex: /opt/shakemap/bin/../bin/contour -g pgv.grd -C 2.0 -f 1.0 -Z
>>>>> 1.0 -T 4 -o shape_shape/pgv >> /opt/shakemap/bin/../logs/shape.log 2>&1
>>>>> genex: /opt/shakemap/bin/../bin/contour -g mi.grd -C 0.2 -f 0.1 -Z 1.0
>>>>> -T 4 -o shape_shape/mi >> /opt/shakemap/bin/../logs/shape.log 2>&1
>>>>> Done.
>>>>> Fill data array
>>>>> Done.
>>>>> Updating the web database with the new event info
>>>>> Creating 'genex/ftp/9583161' directory
>>>>> Making JPEG's from PostScript files
>>>>> genex: Running: PATH=$PATH:/usr/bin/; export PATH; /usr/bin/convert
>>>>> -colorspace RGB -quality 85 -density 144x144 tvmap.ps tvmap.jpg;
>>>>> /usr/bin/convert -resize 50% -crop 864x861+0+-69 +antialias tvmap.jpg
>>>>> tvmap.jpg;
>>>>> genex: Running: PATH=$PATH:/usr/bin/; export PATH; /usr/bin/convert
>>>>> -colorspace RGB -quality 85 -density 144x144 urat_pga.psurat_pga.jpg; /usr/bin/convert -resize 50% -crop +0+182 +antialias
>>>>> urat_pga.jpg urat_pga.jpg;
>>>>> genex: Running: PATH=$PATH:/usr/bin/; export PATH; /usr/bin/convert
>>>>> -colorspace RGB -quality 85 -density 144x144 pgv.ps pgv.jpg;
>>>>> /usr/bin/convert -resize 50% -crop +0+182 +antialias pgv.jpg pgv.jpg;
>>>>> genex: Running: PATH=$PATH:/usr/bin/; export PATH; /usr/bin/convert
>>>>> -colorspace RGB -quality 85 -density 144x144 intensity.psintensity.jpg; /usr/bin/convert -resize 50% -crop +0+74 +antialias
>>>>> intensity.jpg intensity.jpg;/usr/bin/convert intensity.jpg -thumbnail
>>>>> 100x100 ii_thumbnail.jpg
>>>>> genex: Running: PATH=$PATH:/usr/bin/; export PATH; /usr/bin/convert
>>>>> -crop 468x386+72+334 -transparent black ii_overlay.ps ii_overlay.png
>>>>> genex: Running: PATH=$PATH:/usr/bin/; export PATH; /usr/bin/convert
>>>>> -colorspace RGB -quality 85 -density 144x144 pga.ps pga.jpg;
>>>>> /usr/bin/convert -resize 50% -crop +0+182 +antialias pga.jpg pga.jpg;
>>>>> genex: Running: PATH=$PATH:/usr/bin/; export PATH; /usr/bin/convert
>>>>> -colorspace RGB -quality 85 -density 144x144 tvmap_bare.pstvmap_bare.jpg; /usr/bin/convert -resize 50% -crop 864x861+0+-69 +antialias
>>>>> tvmap_bare.jpg tvmap_bare.jpg;
>>>>> Done.
>>>>> Preparing info for clickmaps
>>>>> Done.
>>>>> Collecting files for the web site
>>>>> Done.
>>>>> Creating metadata.
>>>>> Running: /usr/bin/mp -h metadata.html -x metadata.xml -t metadata.txt
>>>>> metadata.txt
>>>>> Usage:
>>>>> mp [-a4] [-addhdr type] [-alias name] [-allhdrs] [-article] [-bottom
>>>>> #]
>>>>>    [-bsdprint] [-chars #] [-columns #] [-config name] [-content]
>>>>> [-copies #]
>>>>>    [-digest] [-elm] [-flip] [-folder] [-forcepage] [-from] [-help]
>>>>>    [-landscape] [-left #] [-linelength #] [-modtime] [-name appname]
>>>>>    [-newpage] [-nobanners] [-noburstpage] [-number] [-onesided]
>>>>> [-organiser
>>>>>    {filofax|franklin|proplan|timeman|tsintl|tspartner} ] [-pagelength
>>>>> #]
>>>>>    [-portrait] [-postscript] [-printer] [-prologue name] [-remhdr
>>>>> type]
>>>>>    [-right #] [-subject text] [-tab #] [-text] [-tumble] [-twosided]
>>>>> [-us]
>>>>>    [-version] [-words #] [-wrap] [filename ...]
>>>>> Done.
>>>>> Creating KML/KMZ.
>>>>> Done.
>>>>> Finishing up shape files...
>>>>> Done.
>>>>> Cooking web pages
>>>>> Build homepage
>>>>> Build 'Most Recent Earthquake' table
>>>>> Build 'Other Recent Earthquakes' list
>>>>>   events [] in list
>>>>> Done.
>>>>> *osop at sandbox1:/opt/shakemap/bin$ ./transfer -event 9583161 -www
>>>>> -push -verbose*
>>>>> transfer: ----- Starting Transfer at 07/13/2012 10:31:21 -----
>>>>> transfer: ----- Transfer finished at 07/13/2012 10:31:21 -----
>>>>> *osop at sandbox1:/opt/shakemap/bin$ ./setversion -event 9583161 -verbose
>>>>> *
>>>>> setversion: Nothing to do, exiting.
>>>>> *WITH -qtm flag for grind...*
>>>>> *osop at sandbox1:/opt/shakemap/bin$ ./grind -event 9583161 -xml -qtm
>>>>> -verbose*
>>>>> Map bound: -120.150000/-117.650000/33.533000/35.593000
>>>>> cp: cannot stat `/opt/shakemap/dem//tmp.topo2grd.29713.grd': No such
>>>>> file or directory
>>>>> grdsample: Could not find file
>>>>> [/opt/shakemap/dem//tmp.topo2grd.29713.grd.1]
>>>>> Could not find /opt/shakemap/dem//tmp.topo2grd.29713.grd, aborting.
>>>>> grind: Error: Error in topo/sitecorr map creation, exiting.
>>>>> *Branden Christensen*
>>>>> branden.christensen at osop.com.pa
>>>>> www.osop.com.pa
>>>>> <intensity.jpg>
> <pgv.jpg><pga.jpg><intensity.jpg>
-------------- next part --------------
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