[Pdl] pdl/java cpu usage spikes

Fee, Jeremy M. jmfee at usgs.gov
Fri Jul 6 22:34:27 UTC 2012


If you are using a Linux system for PDL or EIDS clients, you should check that they are okay.

On several RedHat Enterprise Linux 6 servers, PDL and EIDS client usage was above 100% and causing performance problems.  This started when a leap second was added on June 30th.

Here is an open bug describing the problem in more detail:

You can check whether your system is affected by running "top", checking the %CPU (and/or load average):
  PID USER      PR  NI  VIRT  RES  SHR S %CPU %MEM    TIME+  COMMAND           
 3324 pdl       20   0 14.8g 201m  10m S 889.7  0.5  52006:16 java              

A system restart should resolve the issue temporarily (until the next leap second), and you should plan to update the kernel when a patch is available.



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