[ANSS-netops] Verizon lowered prices on cellular data accounts

David S. Croker croker at usgs.gov
Tue Nov 24 18:25:43 UTC 2009


Just an FYI:  I just started two new cellular data accounts for 
"unlimited" throughput on Verizon for a project at Long Valley 
Caldera.  The Federal pricing is down to only $43/month (from 
$48).  That's pretty darn cheep.  The only problem is, one station 
does not seem to have a very stable connection to the cellular 
service out there and we don't know why yet.

Now that we seem to have stabilized the telemetry using Reftek 
RT-130's (except for noted above), data usage has settled into about 
1.8 to 1.9GB a month, which allows for decent overhead for the known 
ceiling of 5GB/month on the unlimited plan.  We are transmitting 6 
channels, continuous at 100sps.  It might also allow for two stations 
to be combined on one uplink, if possible.  Haven't tried that yet.


USGS - Earthquake Science Center - NCSN Field Operations Manager
David S. Croker                                         office (650) 329-4697
345 Middlefield Rd, MS 977                           fax (650) 329-4732
Menlo Park, CA 94025                                 cell (650) 465-4334
email: croker at usgs.gov
Quake info: http://quake.wr.usgs.gov/
USGS URL: http://www.usgs.gov/ 

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