[Shake-dev] cannot install shakemap fully and get some errors when run the exmaple

Martin varbone-shake at yahoo.com
Fri Aug 6 09:23:15 UTC 2010


1. when I run "make all" under directory /opt/shakemap, I get bellow complain.

************** output message start **************************
make[2]: Leaving directory `/opt/shakemap/src/queue'
make[2]: Entering directory `/opt/shakemap/src/shake'
/usr/bin/install -m 0755 print /opt/shakemap/bin
Can't locate ShakeConfig.pm in @INC (@INC contains: /usr/bin/../lib /etc/perl /usr/local/lib/perl/5.10.1 /usr/local/share/perl/5.10.1 /usr/lib/perl5 /usr/share/perl5 /usr/lib/perl/5.10 /usr/share/perl/5.10 /usr/local/lib/site_perl .) at print line 8.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at print line 8.
make[2]: *** [/opt/shakemap/bin/print] Error 2
make[2]: Leaving directory `/opt/shakemap/src/shake'
************** output message end **************************

2. cannot make web
$ cd /opt/shakemap/lib
$ make web
Nothing to be done for `web'

3. there is no 'getciim' and 'getciim_us' in dir '/opt/shakemap/bin/'
$ ./shake -event 9583161 -v
shake: Running: '/opt/shakemap/bin/../bin/retrieve -event 9583161'
retrieve: CONFIG ERROR: 'program' statement at line 41 in /opt/shakemap/bin/../config/retrieve.conf:
	Can't find getciim in /opt/shakemap/bin/../bin
retrieve: CONFIG ERROR: 'program' statement at line 42 in /opt/shakemap/bin/../config/retrieve.conf:
	Can't find getciim_us in /opt/shakemap/bin/../bin
retrieve: Error in config file, quitting...
shake: Error in retrieve: 256

4. after comment out three lines in file retrieve.conf
#program	: getciim
#program         : getciim_us
#program         : getnsmp
*********************output message start ***********************
$ ./shake -event 9583161 -v
shake: Running: '/opt/shakemap/bin/../bin/retrieve -event 9583161'
Using zone CI.
shake: Running: '/opt/shakemap/bin/../bin/pending -event 9583161'
transfer: ----- Starting Transfer at 08/06/2010 17:15:22 -----
transfer: ----- Transfer finished at 08/06/2010 17:15:22 -----
shake: Done with 'pending'
shake: Running: '/opt/shakemap/bin/../bin/grind -event 9583161 -qtm -xml'
Uncertainty computation skipped (no Intensity > 6.0)
shake: Done with 'grind'
shake: Running: '/opt/shakemap/bin/../bin/tag -event 9583161'
shake: Done with 'tag'
shake: Running: '/opt/shakemap/bin/../bin/mapping -event 9583161 -timestamp -itopo -verbose -gsm'
Running: /opt/shakemap/bin/../bin/echo -117.650000 35.593000 | /usr/lib/gmt/bin/mapproject -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM16.51
Running: /opt/shakemap/bin/../bin/echo -117.650000 35.593000 | /usr/lib/gmt/bin/mapproject -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM25.4
Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/psbasemap -Ba60mf30m/a30mf30mWSen -P -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM16.51 -X2.54 -Y2.54 -K
Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/psbasemap -Ba60mf30m/a30mf30mWSen -P -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM16.51 -X2.54 -Y6.35 -K
Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/psxy /opt/shakemap/bin/../lib/mapping/ca_roads.xy -P -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM16.51 -M -W6/153/153/153 -O -K
psxy: Option -M is deprecated (but is processed correctly).  Please use -m instead
Running: /usr/lib/gmt/bin/pscoast -P -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM16.51 -N1/5 -N2/5 -Df -W5 -S120/160/220 -Ia/2/120/160/220 -O -K
pscoast: full resolution shoreline data base not installed
pscoast: full resolution political boundary data base not installed
pscoast: full resolution river data base not installed
pscoast: No databases available - aborts
mapping: Error running command:
/usr/lib/gmt/bin/pscoast -P -R-120.1500000000/-117.6500000000/33.5330000000/35.5930000000 -JM16.51 -N1/5 -N2/5 -Df -W5 -S120/160/220 -Ia/2/120/160/220 -O -K|

shake: Error in mapping: 256
*********************output message end *************************

Thank you very much.

PS: My OS is Ubuntu 10.4
packages install script is below.
************************* install script start ****************************

	libyaml-perl libdbi-perl libdbd-mysql-perl libhtml-template-perl
	libxml-parser-perl libxml-writer-perl libfile-spec-perl
	libtime-modules-perl libevent-perl libmail-sender-perl
	libconfig-general-perl liburi-perl libhtml-tagset-perl
	libhtml-parser-perl libwww-perl libxml-simple-perl
	libnetcdf4 libnetcdf-dev gmt libgmt4 libgmt-dev
	imagemagick subversion
	mysql-server mysql-client phpmyadmin
	ssh openssh-client openssh-server"

# select *apache* for http server 
# and *DON'T* config phpmyadmin login password

for var in $package_name_list; do
 apt-get -y install $var

# install perl modules, no deb packages
perl -MCPAN -e 'install Test::More'
perl -MCPAN -e 'install Bundle::LWP'
perl -MCPAN -e 'install MIME::Base64'
perl -MCPAN -e 'install Digest::MD5'
perl -MCPAN -e 'install enum'
***********************install script end ***************************


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