[Geomag-data] Near-real-time mag data?

D. R. Evans doc.evans at gmail.com
Thu Jan 14 15:48:08 UTC 2016

Simpson, Hal wrote on 01/13/2016 03:39 PM:
> In order to use geomag-algorithms,  you need python installed,  with the
> supporting libraries, numpy, scipy, obspy, and flake8.   We generally
> suggest installing anaconda, as it comes with numpy and scipy,  and
> installing obspy and flake8 is simple using it's conda routine.

Thank you for the speedy reply; I am afraid that you have rather lost me,
though :-(

Debian stable provides:
but no

Searching the web, as far as I can tell anaconda is a whole separate python
installation; I already have the official debian stable installation, and it's
used by a lot of things on this machine, so I'm definitely not going to
replace that with some other version of python, and risk affecting other

So how do I install obspy, since there seems to be no official debian package?
(I'm a C++ programmer; I have no idea about how packaging works for python. I
expect and hope that there's some simple way to install external packages such
as obspy, as there is for R.)

I'm wondering if there's a misunderstanding somewhere. Do I really need to
install all this just to download near-real-time data once per minute? When I
first asked about obtaining the data, I was expecting a response along the
lines of: "the new URL is: <XXX>", so I could just wget the data every minute
in the same way as in the past.


Web:  http://www.sff.net/people/N7DR

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