[Geomag-daily] Daily Report 5/18/18 (138)

Morris, Jacob jakemor at usgs.gov
Fri May 18 14:37:14 UTC 2018

Deadhorse - No internet data since 0917 5/18, most likely network issues.
Getting GOES data.
DHT - No internet data.

Barrow BRT - No Data.

Honolulu - Data gap 0329-0341 5/18. There is a gap in GOES data for the
same time, but no internet gap for this time period.

Fredericksburg -  Disturbances between 1520-1722 5/17. No-mow construction.

Guam - Data gaps between 0329-0716 5/18. Kat restored the network
yesterday, but another outage must have occurred. We appreciate you taking
care of that, Kat.

BOU E Field - Ok

Dist - DED internet. Gaps FRN, HON, GUA.
SQ - DED internet. Gaps FRN, GUA.
SV - DED internet. Gaps FRN, GUA.

Dst - Ok

Jake Morris
USGS Geomagnetism
jakemor at usgs.gov
303 656 3924
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