[Geomag-daily] Daily Report, Monday April 2, 2018, YD 092

Sauter, Edward esauter at usgs.gov
Mon Apr 2 20:09:16 UTC 2018

The following discrepancies were noted this day:

*Deadhorse.  There were bad total field values recorded during minutes 1107
UT, on 4/1/18 (YD 091)  and 1720 UT, on 4/2/18 (YD 092).*

*Shumagin.  At 2127 UT, on 3/30/18 (YD 089), there was an offset to the
Fluxgate magnetometer.  The offset remained** until 2140 UT, on 3/31/18 (YD
090), and which time there was another another offset, until 0008 UT, on
4/1/18 (YD 091).  At this time, there was an Artificial Disturbance until
0105 UT, on 4/1/18 (YD 091).  After that time, there remained a significant
offset to the H, E, and Z data. After talking to Tina Anderson, I learned
the machine used by a contractor to trench between the Variations Building
and the Electronics Building had been left in close proximity to the
Variations Building.   The Trenching machine is still near the  Variations
Building.  I asked Tina to contact the contractor and ask him to move the
machine outside the fenced area when not in use. The Dist and SV plots show
effects from these disturbances. *

*Dist, SQ and SV. See above disturbances to the Shumagin Observatory data.*

*Boulder E-Field.  None*

*DST.  There is the daily offset in the USGS Dst-1min plot resulting from
the corresponding data gap in the plot for Kakioka at around the end/start
of each day.*

That's all,
Ed Sauter
Edward A. Sauter
US Geological Survey
Box 25046 DFC, MS 966
Denver, CO 80226-0046 USA
E-mail: esauter at usgs.gov
Phone: 303-273-8471
Fax 303-273-8506
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