[ANSS-netops] EB3-Plus radios and replacement

Mitchell Gold goldm at ldeo.columbia.edu
Tue Oct 18 18:00:04 UTC 2016

I recall a few people mentioning EB3-Plus radio failures at the meeting, 
and I was wondering if someone could mention what failure modes they're 
seeing? We have had a few that become non-responsive even after 
rebooting, come up in error, and some of those have recovered 
inconsistently after multiple power cycles. In a couple of cases it also 
appears the RJ-45 is not working. Do these sound familiar, and are there 
any possible fixes (hardware or firmware)?

Are there any suggestions for a 900 MHz replacement?


Mitchell Gold
Lamont Cooperative Seismographic Network
goldm at ldeo.columbia.edu

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