[ANSS-netops] Trillium Compact installation

David S. Croker croker at usgs.gov
Tue Jul 19 15:20:12 UTC 2011

Hi All,

Simple question with a potentially longwinded answer (simple answer 
preferred):  What kind of vault installation do you do for permanent 
Trillium Compact sites?  Full-blown vaults with lots of insulation, 
slightly reduced scale vaults with a little less insulation, or 
simple small scale tubes buried a couple feet down with minor 
insulation?  How do they respond to temperature changes?

Thanks for any insight you might have.


USGS - Earthquake Science Center - NCSN Field Operations Manager
David S. Croker                                         office (650) 329-4697
345 Middlefield Rd, MS 977                           fax (650) 329-4732
Menlo Park, CA 94025                                 cell (650) 465-4334
email: croker at usgs.gov
Quake info: http://earthquake.usgs.gov/
USGS URL: http://www.usgs.gov/ 

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