[Realtime-feeds] Missing Fields from Origin Properties from emsc-csem?

Stewart Dickson sdickson at wolfram.com
Tue Sep 24 13:28:20 UTC 2013

Good Morning,

Since yesterday, we have noticed that your earthquake map at
http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/map/ 1 Day Magnitude 2.5+ Worldwide
Is missing many events from outside of the CONUS and Pacific Rim.
In particular, we have noticed that there are fields missing from the detailed data
GEOJSON of event usb000jwhq ("M3.8  - 2km N of Loretto, Austria") and we assume from also many other events originating from emsc-csem or other European reporting services?

Have you noticed this?  It this a global policy change we are just now hearing about?
Or is this a temporary condition?


-Stewart Dickson, Wolfram|Alpha

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