[Pdl] USGS Job with no earthquake info

AVEDIS BOYACI avedis.boyaci at turkcell.com.tr
Tue Jan 3 05:14:02 UTC 2017

Hi Jeremy,

Thank your for your support. Still we have some issues and questisons. For progressing faster we were wondering if we could have a conference call? If yes, could you please share your Skype id or phone number?

Best regards,

Avedis Boyacı

From: Fee, Jeremy [mailto:jmfee at usgs.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, December 28, 2016 4:52 PM
Subject: Re: USGS Job with no earthquake info


While TCP port 443 is used by the client, it is used to download information after notifications have been received.  Receivers should still configure port 39977, as that is the initial connection for push notifications to be received.

PDL client connections overview:
- connect to pdl hub on TCP 39977, receive address of notification server. (This is the only configured connection)
- connect to notification server (typically pdl hub TCP 39988), receive notifications.
- download products over TCP 443.



On Tue, Dec 27, 2016 at 11:59 PM, AVEDIS BOYACI <avedis.boyaci at turkcell.com.tr<mailto:avedis.boyaci at turkcell.com.tr>> wrote:
Hi Jeremy,

Yesterday we ran “java -jar lib/ProductClient/ProductClient.jar --configFile=config.ini --receive” command and we traced logs which is attached to this mail. As far as we can see there is no earthquake info. But if we query with “https://earthquake.usgs.gov/fdsnws/event/1/query?format=geojson&starttime=NOW-3hours&updatedafter&orderby=time&minmagnitude=2” url we have managed to see some earthquakes. Why do you think that we can’t get earthquake infos using ProductClient.jar? Which point do we miss?

PS: As far as we can see there is a port number configuration in config.ini file. We changed it to 443 according to our environment setup. We have connected successfuly with telnet.

Best regards,

Avedis Boyacı


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