[Pdl] PDL Tracker Maintenance

Martinez, Eric M. emartinez at usgs.gov
Thu Nov 1 22:03:17 UTC 2012

In performing database maintenance on PDL, I plan to purge all tracking messages from the PDL tracker on Monday 5 November, 2012 at approximately 8:00 AM MST. Expected tracker downtime will be approximately 10 minutes. This downtime should not affect real-time products flowing through PDL. During this downtime however, tracker messages will not be logged. If we are experiencing a significant event or sequence of events (or recently experienced such an event), I will postpone this downtime so as not to miss potentially important tracking messages.

The product tracker database is used to determine arrival times for products and has generally been used to build "timelines" for events after a significant event or sequence.

I will archive the current data in the tracker so, if required, this data can still be made available; however it will be much more difficult to build a timeline from this archived data. Please let me know if you require access to this archived data.

If this periodic data archival becomes problematic, we can work towards a better solution in the future. However, for the time being this is the best possible solution in order to ensure real-time products continue to flow through PDL in a timely manner.


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