[Pdl] nagios monitoring script

Fee, Jeremy M. jmfee at usgs.gov
Tue Jul 17 23:40:22 UTC 2012


We've been working on improving monitoring of PDL.  In the short term we came up with a couple simple checks that could be implemented quickly.  In the long term we plan to add end-to-end monitoring, so stay tuned.

Attached is an initial implementation of a script that can be used with nagios to monitor several things that may go wrong.

Currently it checks the modification time of several files, including:
	- current day log file
	- receiver notification index
	- indexer product index

It will exit with nagios style exit codes:
	0 = OKAY
	1 = WARN (file older than 15 minutes)
	2 = CRITICAL (file older than 25 minutes)

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You will likely need to customize paths, and possibly warning and critical thresholds, depending on where PDL is installed and which products it is configured to process.



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