[Geomag-daily] Daily Report, 6-12-2020 (164)

Worthington, Bill bworth at usgs.gov
Fri Jun 12 14:44:25 UTC 2020

The following issues were noted this morning:

Boulder, Primary and Secondary - There are two disturbances in the fluxgate data at 22:49 and 22:53 on the 11th.  There was also a slight dip in the Electronics temperature at this time, suggesting that there was an entry into the Variations building.  John, did you have anything to do with this?

Boulder E-field - None

College - There have been 7 degree C temperature swings in the Electronics temperature that produce similar Delta F signatures.

Deadhorse - There is a F and Delta F spike at 22:32 & 32 on the 11th.

Fredericksburg - There were F and Delta F spikes at 21:54 and 22:08 on the 11th.  Expect a mowing disturbance later this morning.

San Juan - There is a F and Delta F spike at 04:26-27 today.

Tucson - There is a F and Delta F spike at 04:10 today.

Dist - None

SQ - None

SV - None

Dst - There is the usual 0 UT gap at Kakioka.


Bill Worthington
Geophysicist                         Tel: 303-273-8472
U. S. Geological Survey       Fax: 303-273-8506
Geomagnetism Program    Cell: 303-895-6150
PO Box 25046, MS 966
Denver, CO  80225              bworth at usgs.gov
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