[Geomag-daily] Daily Report, 4-10-2020 (101)

Worthington, Bill bworth at usgs.gov
Fri Apr 10 18:05:08 UTC 2020

The following issues were noted this morning:

Boulder E-field - None

Deadhorse - There is a F and Delta F spike at 03:52 today.

Honolulu - The Z trace looks less spiky, but there is still a large range on Delta F.

Fredericksburg - There are some small offsets 19:07 to 21:38 yesterday and a delta F spike, due to a noise burst, 09:55 today.

Shumagin - No more drop outs.  Thanks to Tina and Jonathan for taking care of this.

Stennis - The temperature inside the combo building is 33 - 34 C or in the low 90's.  Obviously there is an AC problem.  I am trying to contact Taylor but have not heard back from him.  My suspicion is that he is on furlough.  We will probably have to wait until the COVID-19 emergency passes.

Tucson - There is a F and Delta F spike at 09:18 today.

Dist - None

SQ - None

SV - None

Dst - There is the usual 0 UT gap at Kakioka.


Bill Worthington
Geophysicist                         Tel: 303-273-8472
U. S. Geological Survey       Fax: 303-273-8506
Geomagnetism Program    Cell: 303-895-6150
PO Box 25046, MS 966
Denver, CO  80225              bworth at usgs.gov
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