[Geomag-daily] (no subject)

Sauter, Edward esauter at usgs.gov
Wed Nov 7 16:47:43 UTC 2018

The following discrepancies were noted this day:
*Barrow.  There were bad 1 second values in the following components at the
following times: H, at 0658 UT, on 11/7/18 (YD 311) and E at 0656 UT, on
11/7/18 (YD 311) (probably  bin changes) .*

*Deadhorse.  Acquisition was restored at 2005 UT, on 11/6/18 (YD
310).  There was a bad 1 second value in the Total Field component at 0706
UT, on 11/7/18 (YD 311).  There were bad 1 second values in the following
components at the following times: H, at 0737 UT, on 11/7/18 (YD 311) and Z
at 1415 UT, on 11/7/18 (YD 311) (probably  bin changes) .*

*Deadhorse Test System (DHT).  The Deadhorese Test System is still down
awaiting a repaired power cable for the ObsRio Acquisition System.  Thank
you Karen Remick for your help yesterday and Adam Aucoin for repairing the
cable.  Karen will install the cable later today. *

*Shumagin.  There was a power outage from about 1250 through 1425 UT, on
11/7/18 (YD 311). This outage caused gaps in the Derived plots, Dist, SQ
and SV.  The derived plots, Dist, SQ and SV were all corrupted during the
following interval: 1633 UT, on 11/06/18 (YD 310) through 0333 UT, on
11/7/18 (YD 311).  The corrupted Derived plots are continuing, starting at
1409 UT, on 11/7/18 (YD 311).*

*Boulder.  There are gaps in the derived plots, Dist, SQ and SV from 1330
through 1350 UT, on 11/6/18 (YD 310).*

*Fredericksburg. There were bad 1 second values in the Total Field
component at 0605 and 0617 UT, on 11/7/18 (YD 311).*

*Tucson. There are gaps in the derived plots, Dist, SQ and SV at the
following times: 2237 through 2314 UT, on 11/6/18 (YD 310), 0042 through
0119 UT, 0235 through 0329 UT, and 0604 through 0614 UT, on 11/7/18 (YD
311). *

*Stennis. There is a data gap in all plots from 1725 through 1727 UT, on
11/5/18 (YD 309).*

*Honolulu. Acquisition was restored at 1800 UT, on 11/6/18 (YD 310).  We
are still experiencing data gaps as follows: 2001 through 2003 UT, on
11/6/18 (YD 310), 0434 through 0436 UT, 0456 through 0500 UT, 0815 through
0818 UT, 0823 through 0826 UT, *
*1350 through 1352 UT,  on 11/7/18 (YD 311). *

*Dist., SQ and SV.  There was a power outage at Shumagin from about 1250
through 1425 UT, on 11/7/18 (YD 311). This outage caused gaps in the
Derived plots, Dist, SQ and SV. The derived plots, Dist, SQ and SV were all
corrupted during the following interval: 1633 UT, on 11/06/18 (YD 310)
through 0333 UT, on 11/7/18 (YD 311).  The corrupted Derived plots are
continuing, starting at 1409 UT, on 11/7/18 (YD 311).  There are gaps at
Tucson in the derived plots, Dist, SQ and SV at the following times: 2237
through 2314 UT, on 11/6/18 (YD 310), 0042 through 0119 UT, 0235 through
0329 UT, and 0604 through 0614 UT, on 11/7/18 (YD 311). *

*Boulder E-Field. None.*

*DST.  The Honolulu plot was restored at 1800 UT, on 11/6/18 (YD 310) UT.
There is a gap in the San Juan plot from 1632 through 1652 UT, on 11/6/18
(YD 311), causing an offset to the USGS Dst-1min plot for the same
period.  There is the daily offset in the USGS Dst-1min plot resulting from
the corresponding data gap in the plot for Kakioka at around the end/start
of each day.  *

That's all,
Ed Sauter
Edward A. Sauter
US Geological Survey
Box 25046 DFC, MS 966
Denver, CO 80226-0046 USA
E-mail: esauter at usgs.gov
Phone: 303-273-8471
Fax 303-273-8506
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