[Geomag-daily] Daily Report, Wednesday, February 28, 2018, YD 059

Sauter, Edward esauter at usgs.gov
Wed Feb 28 15:23:54 UTC 2018

The following discrepancies were noted this day:

*Deadhorse.    There was one bad minute value recorded in the F component
at 0812 UT, on 2/27/18 (YD 058).  *

Fresno.  There was an  *Artificial Disturbance from 1705 through 1720 UT,
on 2/27/18 (YD 058).  The  **Artificial Disturbance was caused by Mary
Jones investigating the **disturbance** from earlier in the day, that
resulted in a bin change in the Z Component.*

*Guam.  We lost the internet feed at 2221 UT, on 2/27/18 (YD 058).  From
Bill Worthington, *
*"I just spoke with Mark and Jake.  Apparently, the generator has stopped
about 4 to 5 hours earlier and the data collection system is running on
batteries.  They suspect that the generator is out of fuel, but I don't
think they have visually checked the tank yet.  Supposedly fuel is on the
way.  Jake wanted to know if he should start changing out the power board
now.  I suggested that he wait a few hours until the generator is working
or the system fails due to the batteries running down.*

*Apparently, they can monitor the 24 volts via Web Display.  I suggested to
Jake that he use a meter to monitor the 12 V batteries.I also suggested
they go find a fuel can, get 5 gallons of fuel, put it in the tank, and see
if they could restart the generator.  They would rather wait for the
generator people to arrive." *

*Dist, SQ and SV.  Because of an internet outage, the Dist, SQ and SV
plots for Guam are absent from 2221 UT, on 2/27/18 (YD 058). *

*Boulder E-Field.  None*

*DST. **There is the daily offset in the USGS Dst-1min plot resulting from
the corresponding data gap in the plot for Kakioka at around the end/start
of each day.*

That's all,
Ed Sauter
Edward A. Sauter
US Geological Survey
Box 25046 DFC, MS 966
Denver, CO 80226-0046 USA
E-mail: esauter at usgs.gov
Phone: 303-273-8471
Fax 303-273-8506
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