[Geomag-daily] Daily Report, 4-27-2018 (118)

Worthington, Bill bworth at usgs.gov
Fri Apr 27 16:04:57 UTC 2018

 The following issues were noted this morning:

*Boulder* - There was a disturbance yesterday 18:52 to 19:30 in H, E, Z in
both systems.  Ed was repairing the lock set on the outside door to the
Variations building.

*Fredericksburg* - There are F and Delta F spikes at 02:03, 06:46, and
06:54 today.

*Guam* - There is a F and Delta F spike at 22:20 - 21 yesterday and another
F and Delta F spike at 15:12 today.

*Sitka* - According to Mike there was a power outage Thursday when the
temperatures showed a blip.  He also mentioned that there is a planned
outage Saturday night.

*ObsRIO Systems* - None, except that BRT is down for testing.

*Boulder E-Field* - None

*Dst* - There is the usual 0 UT spike, in the 1-minute Dst due to a Kakioka
gap at that time. There was also a later gap in Kakioka 10:25 to 10:57 that
may have produced some small spikes.

*Dist, SQ, SV* - None


Bill Worthington, Ph.D.
U. S. Geological Survey        Tel: 303-273-8472
Geomagnetism Program       Fax: 303-273-8506
P.O. Box 25046  MS 966      Cell: 303-895-6150
Denver, CO  80225               bworth at usgs.gov
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