[EHP-software] Fwd: EIDS discontinuation notice

Fee, Jeremy jmfee at usgs.gov
Mon Sep 16 20:21:05 UTC 2013


This is a follow up email to the previous EIDS discontinuation notice.  If
you have already switched to PDL, or the PDL fed QuakeWatch servers, no
action is required to avoid data interruption.

*NEIC plans to discontinue EIDS submissions this wednesday September 18,
2013, around 11am mountain time*.  Users who wish to continue receiving
NEIC messages using EIDS will need to convert to the "QuakeWatch servers,
fed by PDL" option described in the original discontinuation notice (
before this time to avoid any interruption.

The USGS EIDS hubs will remain up until October 31, 2013, as originally
planned, but will no longer include NEIC information after this change on
September 18, 2013.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Lynda Lastowka <
llastowka at usgs.gov> .


Jeremy Fee

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Fee, Jeremy <jmfee at usgs.gov>
Date: Tue, Aug 20, 2013 at 3:58 PM
Subject: EIDS discontinuation notice
To: Lynda Lastowka <llastowka at usgs.gov>


This email was already sent to the EHP Software mailing list, (
https://geohazards.usgs.gov/mailman/listinfo/ehp-software ), and you
may or may not have already received this information.  You are
receiving this email because we believe you are a contact for an EIDS
client currently connecting to one of the EHP EIDS servers
eids1.cr.usgs.gov, eids2.wr.usgs.gov, or eids3.gps.caltech.edu.
Please forward this message to a more appropriate contact if you know
of one.

The EHP is migrating clients away from EIDS, with a planned shut-off date
of October 31, 2013.  Existing users have several options to continue
receiving earthquake information in near-realtime:

- Realtime Feeds & Notifications

- PDL, the replacement for EIDS and QDM

- QuakeWatch servers, fed by PDL

These are essentially EIDS servers, but only provide access to a subset of
the information available via PDL including earthquake locations.

The client configuration files will need to be changed to have entries like

      # host address of server:
    serverHostAddress = "quakewatch1.cisn.org"
      # port number of server:
    serverPortNumber = 39977
      # true to enable fail-over reconnect to alternate servers:
    altServersEnabledFlag = true
      # list of alternate servers for fail-over reconnect:
    alternateServersList =
      # file holding server-login information:
    loginInfoFileName = "conf/LoginInfoFile.txt"

     An authorized login is required to connect to the QuakeWatch servers;
logins can be requested

     A login-information file ("conf/LoginInfoFile.txt") containing the
username and password will need to be created, as documented

If you have any questions about this discontinuation, please contact Lynda
Lastowka <llastowka at usgs.gov
<https://geohazards.usgs.gov/mailman/listinfo/ehp-software>> .


Jeremy Fee
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