[ANSS-netops] Have any job openings?

Croker, David croker at usgs.gov
Mon Sep 16 18:24:02 UTC 2013

Hi all,

Mickey Cassar is a NAGT (summer intern from the National Association of
Geology Teachers) intern that is looking for continued work in the field of
seismology and field operations.  He's been working for the NCSN for 4
months now and his appointment expires in the middle of October.  He's a
very enthusiastic and energetic person who loves to work, and loves to
learn everything there is to know about what he's doing.  He has a degree
in Geology from Western Washington University.

He helped Mark Meremonte from Golden on installing temporary Reftek sites
on Mission Peak in California.  He's helped the NCSN install a new Basalt
site.  He's also helped with all kinds of other maintenance projects around
the state, getting exposed to several different datalogger systems,
sensors, power systems, grounding, and telemetry systems.  He's even helped
rebuild a legacy analog site.  He's quite computer savvy which has helped
us get our electronic field files in shape and has learned MS Visio for
documentation.  In conjunction with that work, he acted as one of the lead
developers of our tablet-based electronic field files.

If you have any possible employment opportunities for him, send me a reply
and I will forward to Mickey.


USGS - Earthquake Science Center - NCSN Field Operations Manager
David S. Croker                                                  office
(650) 329-4697
345 Middlefield Rd, MS 977                                    fax (650)
Menlo Park, CA 94025                                          cell (650)
email: croker at usgs.gov
Quake info: http://earthquake.usgs.gov/
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